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(1 edit)

I'm very new to Renpy and I find it fun to work with but I have no idea how to use these in my game. The gradient and scared shake specifically.  Is it possible to get those codes separately?

I'll say I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, From the sounds of it, you're asking to have the shake and gradient tags moved to their own files. You are free to remove those sections are put them in their own .rpy file if you like, but I'm not sure how that will help you. If you're wondering how to use them, you just do "{sc}Some text{/sc}" for the scare tag, and the gradient tag is a bit harder, though I believe I provided some examples and reference for it in the comments of gradient_tags.rpy. Hopefully that helps but if you need more help feel free to ask!

Okay thanks, I'll try that! :D

(1 edit) (+9)

just some stuff that took me a while to figure out:

"{sc=10}Text{/sc}" ==> Scared Text

"{fi=[offset]-[time]-[distance]}Text{/fi}" ==> Fade in text

"{bt=10}Text{/bt}" ==> Wave Text

"{rotat}Text{/rotat}" ==> Rotating Text

"{move}Text{/move}" ==> Moving Text

"{sc}{b}Text{/b}{/sc}" ==> Adding multiple effects

 "{color=#000000}Text{/color}" ==> change color

"{b}Text{/b}" ==> Make text bold

"{s}Text{/s}" ==> Scratched Text

"{u}Text{/u}" ==> Underline Text

"{i}Text{/i}" ==> Italic Text

"{size=50}Text{/size}" ==> Change size

thank you for this project

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